Made by:

Plugaru Madlen


Beregoi Loredana

StatusIn development
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(2 total ratings)
AuthorPlugaru Madlen


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Great game, but didn't quite understand what I need to do ))

The concept is very interesting, the assets are also fitting for the main idea that is chosen, it's quite confusing as to what exactly the player is supposed to do. What I would suggest is either lean hard on physics based puzzels, as you already have items that can be pushed, you can use those for that, a good reference would be the Portal games. I think that a good addition would also be to introduce a blur that would apply to the tiles that are below, or above the player, to isolate the visual space and not confuse the player. Otherwise, keep doing a great job!

I like the graphics and the game idea is very interesting. Very Cute Game!

Cute graphics but i didn't quite understand what i have to do :-)

The design looks really cute but I found it to be lacking in terms of engaging gameplay or activities.

The level design in this cute game is brilliant.I like the animations and rigid bodies physics.The game has a big potential in future.

We will work hard on it!

This is definitely the cutest pixelated cat I've ever seen. Also, great idea with the book!


Max Potentially 10 (now 9)